© Rain Blows Blog



Hello, how are you? I'm so happy, today is my Birthday =] I'm 14 yaaay. I still had school and hw though :/ but everyone called to say happy birthday, or wrote on my wall on facebook. This morning when I entered the class everyone sang happy birthday and I got all red and embarrassed XD I got some sweets from my parents =] A cake and a poster from my best friend, and a Card from my other best friend. Also Mum and Dad told me that they are going to buy me a SANYO CG10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooo happy, It's a duel camcorder, full Hd very light and compact. With 720p, 30frames per second video and 10 megapixel still photos. Aaaaa I can't wait to buy it, My sister might buy it from Ireland, if so I have to wait until she comes back home i.e. Christmas time :/ but at least I'd have it, and this would be the second best brithday (as last year I got my phone for my birthday and I <3 My phone)

Anyways this is the camera what do you think? ^^ (there is black,white and pink, I want to buy the black)


Ouch! That must have hurt!

Oh that's one huge and ugly baby! It's so freaky when you see the baby near a normal one... it's just...SO BIG!!If I were the mother, I'd think that they gave me the wrong baby!!

Picture and Information from: PhillyDTv


Cool Sentences

This post was taken from ajaydsouza.com
You should really read these they are so funny. =]

Cool One Liners

If you’re too lazy to start anything, you may get a reputation for patience.

I’m on a seafood diet. Every time I see food, I eat it.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.

Never try to drown your troubles… Especially if he can swim.

Smile, it makes people wonder what you’re thinking.

Don’t be so open-minded your brains fall out..

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a work station.

By the time a man realizes that his father was usually right, he has a son who thinks he’s usually wrong.

Teachers are those who help us in resolving problems which, without them, we wouldn’t have.
There are two theories to arguing with women.. Neither one works.

Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning.

There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side.

An expert is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing.

When you’re right, no one remembers. When you’re wrong, no one forgets.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

They say hard work never killed anyone, but why take the chance.

Not a one liner:

A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money.

The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents.
The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5:00 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I’d accumulated a fortune of $1.37.

Then my wife’s father died and left us two million dollars."

And one last one:

A husband comes home from church, greets his wife and lifts her up. He carries her around the house.
The wife is surprised and asks, "Did the pastor preach about being romantic?"
The husband said," No, he said we must carry our burdens and sorrows!"


Vinyl Bowl

This is cool and it only takes a couple of minutes to make it =] Just grab a vinyl record and put it over a bowl, put it in the oven for a few minutes until you see that the vinyl has melted in the bowl, whip it out and let it cool down. Fill it up with awesome jewelry or use it as an ornament, by the way this bowl in the following pictures was made by my sister ^^ (she found the vinyl records at a charity shop)


Polymer Clay Creations =O

These polymer clay creations were made by GentlemanBunny . She has some cool tutorials and how to make polymer clay creations and also A LOT of patients which I surely don't have!!


Cute Bunny ^^

Hi check out this cute video of this really really cute bunny ^^

Ps. Today I started school and it really wasn't that bad. Had great laughs with my friends and got to see some of the teachers XD


*Dramatic Music* The Horror ! 0.o

Tomorrow I start school again =/ I start the 4th year in secondary ( form 4; year 10 )
So I'll be replying in the afternoon or even maybe not daily. According to home work and study lists. Begin in routine once again, waking up very early, sleep or get angry for waking up early in the van on the way to school, talk and get things out from my locker, go for assembly and then 4 lessons, 20 minute break and another 4 lessons. Go Home, eat  ( the best part of the day I might add =D ), start home work, take a break, study, watch tv, and sleep, waking up to another day of this routine. Sometimes routine can be good but not school wise... =/. School takes most of our year and that routine makes us mindless people that can't do something spontaneous because they have to go in routine.

Anyways I don't want to depress you with school, it depresses us and that's enough people!
Yesterday I edited this photo which is from Hansel and Gretel. It's really good =D What do you think? ^^


Mika - We are Golden

This song is by Mika, the Acoustic Version (The Boy Who Knew Too Much's Bonus Track).


New Video Introduction ^^

I just uploaded a video today =D and made an intro for my videos =D what do you think? =D

Bdw you can play this game here.


Daily Plush

I've always wanted to make a plushie but I can't find craft felt :/ I need to go to the craft store again maybe they finally got some !! Anyways I found this cute site with an AWESOME detailed layout !! I think the layout is the first thing that makes you bookmark this site... well it worked on me =]
It is called Daily Plush , it has just started so they only have 3 posts. General information, a tutorial and a down loadable free pdf pattern =D .


I <3 Aglets

Have you ever wondered what that plastic thing at the end of a shoe lace is? Well now you know if you didn't. It's an Aglet ! And here's an awesome song by Phineas and Ferb XD


Through the eye of a needle,
Time to loosen your tongue.
Got a tip how to make ends meet.

A-G-L-E-T, don't forget it!
Gets us all up on our feet, yeah yeah yeah!
A-G-L-E-T, (aglet!) don't forget it! (x8)
We're tying the world together!
We're tying the world together!
We're gonna tie the world together!
We're gonna tie the world together!
One word at a time!

And in the end the most important thing
Is that we never forget,
The end of a shoelace is called the...

Credits version:
Too much information,
But keep your eye on the ball.
We're gonna drive it hard to the hole, yeah!
A-G-L-E-T don't forget it!
Brings us closer to our sole! Yeah!
A-G-L-E-T (aglet!) don't forget it!
We're gonna tie the world together!
One word at a time!


My favorite Optical Illusion

This is my favorite optical illusion =]. I know that this is a classic and most people have seen it but I never get fed up of it.

Stare at the four middle dots for 30 seconds.
Then either look at a plain wall or close your eyes (which works best for you).
And then you see  someone or something XD

Also something that will make you tell everyone about it is this.

Go in a door way.
Stretch out your hands and
press outwards against the sides of the doorway for 30 seconds.
Get out of the doorway and see what happens.
It will get you puzzled and you will keep on trying XD

 When I tried it I was like =O


I Ain't Got Rhythm

For those who know who Phineas and Ferb are, you know how funny their songs are. I ain't got rhythm is one of my favourites =D


I run with scissors because It makes me feel Dangerous

I used to have long long hair when I was still a small kid. When I got to decide how I want my hair to be cut, I wanted it to be medium length-short . And today's haircut is the best medium length-short hairstyle that my hairdresser managed to cut. Edited two photos, a before and after =] . What do you think?


The Mean Kitty Song

Cory a.k.a Mr. Safety has a cat called Sparta and made a song about it. Also Sparta has its own channel.


Potato Theme

Another  potato song, I like the picture after she sings I don't know if their feelings get hurt. And a picture of a peeled clothes potato appears ^^.


Weird Shopping Bags

They are really cool or really weird. All pictures were found from here.


This Bag is my favorite, the way the duck is, it's awesome!




FarmVille !!

This Banner Says it all:
Farm Ville is a facebook application. I started playing this game a while ago but I couldn't get the hang of it so I stopped. I was feeling a bit left out after half of my friends, cousins and MY AUNT were playing Farm Ville. They convinced me and I started playing it. And I'm addicted, I check my farm day and night, harvest and plow and re-seed, with that process you earn coins, and from that point I began to Expand my farm, buying hay for my animals to tractors. Publishing my ribbons for other people to share the wealth, which I must admit was a pride to see me moving up in this game =] . I still play it but with less eagerness.
These are a couple of photos of my farm:
If you have facebook click here to play Farm Ville.


Save The Sherif

I used to love playing this game, but then I made it to the last level and it got a bit boring. The graphics are cute though. Use the Arrow keys to move the pig, jump on the enemies to kill them.


Yoshi ^^

To keep in the Super Mario Mood, listen to Yoshi's song.

WARNING: The Song Can Be Very Addictive!!


Super Marioooo

So yesterday I spent 3 to 4 hrs making this cubed super Mario, I must admit I love the result but it was getting on my last nerves, and got close to tearing everything up! But well, while watching the Simpsons I continued to make him and viola =D.

I downloaded the pattern from Cubee Craft.


Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie

I just couldn't resist not posting this video. It's another stop motion and a pain in the backside to make... I guess. Besides being a professional stop motion it is also a video for the song "Her Morning Elegance" by Oren Lavie, which is a beautiful song.


Western Spaghetti Stop Motion

This is a must see video. I really like stop motion and I'm always amazed every time I see this video, it's soooo professional ! I tried making claymation but it's never good :/ . PES films are professional commercial artists. 


I Love The Simpsons =]

Unfortunately in Malta they don't show the Simpsons on TV, only one Italian channel... but it is in Italian, And I don't understand it so much, so I needed a free online resourse and here it is =D


Rhett and Link

Rhett and Link are youtubers. Their videos are funny songs. I prefer their old ones, it seems they were running a bit out of ideas lately. But they have just published 3 videos about aliens for the brink scientific channels. One of them is really addictive, It's called Alien Makes Contact!! I just love the last part where Billy Reid says "broadcasting from my little shortwave radio" haha



*dramtic background music* And It Shall Be Known As Rain Blows!

Lately I've really been wanting to make another blog, this time for myself haha. Ver is ok thanks for your concern, but well he isn't the kind of turtle that does alot of activities for me to post in his blog ^^ (www.vertheturtle.blogspot.com)Yes I know that it is sad that I've made him a blog, but I wanted to make one about a year ago, and didn't want it to be about me or any random stuff, so I decided to dedicate it to my pet turtle. Well anyways enough chitchat about Ver. I was trying to find a cool name for the blog 0_o and ended up with Rain Blows, I love rainbows but I thought why not Bobby blog...then it hit me, I'm Sarah not bobby! Anyways after a situation which involved me reading all the words that start with B from the english dictionary, I thought of blue, sky, clouds, Rainbows, and that's how I got to Rain Blows! =]