© Rain Blows Blog


What the hell ?

I like the song but what the hell’s with the video? O_o


The Social Network Gets Nominated For 8 Oscars

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckergerb has made his feeling perfectly clear about ‘The Social Network’, a movie which is loosely based on the worlds largest social network, Facebook.

Now it looks like the Social Network could become even more popular as it has just been nominated for eight academy awards, including one for Best Picture.

The Social Network recently won Best Picture at the Golden Globes and it could possibly take the title again at the 83rd Academy Awards.

The Social Network was one of the most popular movies of last year, which isn’t surprising considering that Facebook have over 550 million members worldwide!

Source HERE



6 lessons -- 3 double lessons --- free ... just because we had to complete some European language survey.

But who's grumbling? ;D

1901- phoenix


Another Sunny Sunday

Which I will spend:
  • Eating indoors
  • Studying indoors
  • Maybe go to the swings (Y)
  • At grandma's
  • Back indoors trying to enjoy the few hours of the weekend.

The Bus Stop

I was waiting for a bus when a four-wheel drive stopped at the bus stop. A man in his mid 30s I would say, asking for directions. He asked me my name, to which I did not reply, he asked me if I wanted a lift, to which I said no.

What I found disturbing was that before he left (finally) he told me his name (which I did not understand =/ ) and told me to Facebook him... O_O

What has this world come to?



Are you sure this isn't Friday the 13th ??

Cause all I had was bad luck and cursing.


Big head chick

Drawn by the one and only during Religion lesson w00t


That Star

"Do you see that bright star? Maybe it's a satellite"

Good night :)


4 hours

Only got 4 hours of sleep last night o__o


and back

Tomorrow School again. For just one day before the weekend I have to wake up at 6.30 am ! -.- Why couldn't they spare us just one other day !



Happy birthday to my best friend Claudine ! :D

loveee you <3 xxxx


Happy New Year

aaaa what a great night that was !!

I wish I could still be there :D